Amputation Abbreviations
BKA = below-knee amputation
AKA = above-knee amputation
LBKA = left below-knee amputation
RBKA = right below knee amputation
BAKA = bilateral above-knee amputation
BBKA = bilateral below-knee amputation
Abduction: Motion of a body part away from the midline of the body.
Abrasion: Wearing away the skin through rubbing or friction.
Adduction: Motion of a body part toward the midline of the body.
AEA/AE: Above elbow amputee amputee or “transhumeral” amputee.
AKA/AK: Above knee amputee or “transfemoral” amputee
Alignment: Position of the prosthetic socket in relation to foot and knee.
Amputation: Loss or absence of all or part of a limb.
Anterior: Front
Assistive/Adaptive Equipment: Devices that assist in activities or mobility, including ramps, bars, changes in furniture heights, environmental control units, and other devices.
BAK/BAKA: Bilateral above-knee amputee.
BBK/BBKA: Bilateral below-knee amputee.
BE/BEA: Below elbow amputee or “transradial” amputee.
Bilateral amputee: A person missing either both arms or both legs, a double amputee.
Biomechanics: Applying mechanical principles to the study of how the human body moves.
BK/BKA: Below knee amputee or”transtibial” amputee.
BOC: Board for Orthotists/Prosthetists Certification
Body Image: The awareness and perception of one’s own body related to both appearance and function.
Carpals: Small bones close to your wrist.
Check or Test Socket: A temporary socket, often transparent, made over the plaster model to aid in obtaining the proper fit and function of the prosthesis.
Congenital Amputee: Individual born missing a limb(s).
Contracture: Tightening of muscles around a joint which restricts the range of motion
Cosmesis: Refers to the appearance of the prosthesis, whether a “naturalistic” treatment is attempted with an outer cover.
CP(Certified Prosthetist): A person who hasattained Certification in Prosthetics.
CPO(Certified Prosthetist-Orthotist): A person who has attained a Certification in Prosthetics and Orthotics.
Crutches- Axillary: A crutch that extends up into your armpit and has a handlebetween the bars to bear weight on with your hands.
Crutches-Forearm: A crutch that extends up to a handle and has an additional extension that wraps around your forearm for additional support.
Crutches-Folding: Something that all amputees are hoping someone in South Africawill manufacture locally. Come on guys!
DAK: Double (aka bilateral) above knee amputee.
Definitive or “Permanent” Prosthesis: A replacement for a missing limb or part of a limb which meets accepted check-out standards for comfort, fit, alignment, function, appearance, and durability.
Desensitization: The process of making the residual limb less sensitive to touch by massaging, tapping or using a vibrator.
Distal: (1) The end of the residual limb. (2) Farther from the central portion of thebody. Opposite of proximal.
Disarticulation: An amputation through a joint.
Dorsiflexion: Pointing the toe/foot upward.
ED: Elbow Disarticulation; an amputation through the elbow joint.
Edema: A local or generalized condition in which the body tissues contain an excess of fluid.
Elastic Wrap: Elasticized bandage used to prevent swelling and encourageshrinkage and maturation of the residual limb.
Elbow Disarticulation: Amputation of the arm through the elbow.
Endoskeletal Prosthesis: Prosthesis built more like a human skeleton with support andcomponents on the inside.
Energy storing foot: A prosthetic foot designed with a flexible heel.
Exoskeletal Prosthesis: a prosthesis that is hollow on the inside with a hard outersurface to bear weight.
Extention(knee): Standing position.
Flexion Contracture: When your knee or hip is bent and you can’t straighten it out.
Flexion(knee): Sitting position.
Fibula: The smaller of the two bones in your shin, located toward the rear and outside.
Forequarter Amputation (Interscapulthorasic): Amputation of the Arm,shoulder, clavicle and scapula.
Gait Training: Learning how to walk with your prosthesis or prostheses.
Gimp: Someone who walks with a limp(slang).
HD(Hip Disarticulation): Amputation which removes the leg atthe hip joint, leaving the pelvis intact.
HP(Hemipelvectomy): An amputation where approximately half of the pelvis is removed.
Ischial Containment Socket: Is a derivative of the Narrow ML, asa special attempt is made to form a little pocket for the ischium to sit in.
Ischial Tuberosity: The large sitting bone: A bone that protrudes from your pelvis that may get sore when sitting on a hard surface for extended periods of time.
Ischium: The lower portion of the hipbone. This is the bone that protrudes from yourpelvis that may get sore when sitting on a hard surface for extended periods oftime.
Knee Disarticulation (KD) or through the knee (TDK): Amputation of the leg through the knee.
LAE: Left above elbow amputee.
LBK: Left below knee amputee.
LAK: Left above knee amputee.
Lateral: To the side, away from the mid-line of the body.
LBE: Left below elbow amputee.
Liner: Suspension systems used to attach prosthesis to the residual limb. These linersmay be made of silicon, pelite or gel substances.
MAS Socket: Marlo Anatomical Socket (AK)- provides ssupport from the pubicramus rather than the ischium and features lower trim lines in the front andback.
Medial: Toward the mid-line of the body.
Metacarpals: Bones behind your fingers.
Metatarsals: Bones behind your toes.
Multiaxis foot: Allows inversion and eversion and rotation of foot and iseffective for walking on uneven surfaces.
Neuroma: The end of a nerve left after amputation, which continues to grow in acauliflower shape.
NWB: Non-weight bearing.
Occupational Therapy/OT: Teaching how to perform activities of daily living such asfeeding, grooming, bathing and dressing as independently as possible.
Orthotics: The profession of providing devices to support and straighten the body.
Orthotist: A skilled professional who fabricates orthotic devices that are prescribed by a physician.
Orthosis: A device that is used to protect, support, or improve function of parts of the body that move.
Paragliding: Something an amputee should try at least once.
Pelvis/Pelvic Girdle: Series of bones shaped like a basket just above your hips.
Phantom pain: Pain, which seems to originate in the portion of the limb, whichwas removed.
Phantom sensation: The normal ghost image of the absent limb may feel normal attimes and at other times, be uncomfortable or painful.
Physiatrist: A doctor of Rehabilitation Medicine who specializes in the comprehensive management of patients with impairments and disabilities arising from neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, and vascular disorders.
Physical Therapist: A therapist who is concerned with your gross motor activitiessuch as transfers, gait training, and how to function with or without aprosthesis.
Pistoning: Refers to the residual limb slipping up and down inside the Prosthetic socket while walking.
Pneumatic/Hydraulic: Used in reference to knee joints and provides controlled changes in the speed of walking.
Prosthesis: An artificial part of the body. In the case of amputees, usually an arm or aleg.
Prosthetics: The profession of providing cosmetic and/or functional restoration of missing human parts.
Prosthetist: A person involved in the science and art of prosthetics; one who designs and fits artificial limbs.
Proximal: Nearer to the central portion of the body; opposite of distal.
Posterior: The back side of the body or part in question, i.e. posterior knee or patellar region.
PTB: Patellar Tendon Bearing BK Prosthesis where weight is on the tendon below the kneecap.
PWB: Partial weight bearing.
PWD: People/persons with a disability.
Pylon: A rigid member, usually tubular, between the socket or knee unit and the foot that provides a weight bearing support shaft for an endoskeletal prosthesis.
Quad Socket: A socket designed for an above the knee amputee which has fourdistinctive sides allowing the muscles to function as much as possible.
RAE: Right above elbow amputee.
RAK: Right above knee amputee.
Radius: Forearm bone, on the same side as your thumb.
Ramus: The middle portion of the pubic bone, in the crotch area. The front middle portion of the pubic bone, palpated just above the genitals
Range of motion: The amount of movement a limb has in a specific direction at a specific joint such as your hip or knee.
RBE: Right below elbow amputee.
RBK: Right below knee amputee.
Rehabilitation: The process of restoring a person who has been debilitated by a disease or injury to a functional life.
Residual limb: The portion of the arm or leg remaining after the amputation.Some people refer to it as a “stump”.
SACH Foot: Solid-Ankle Cushion Heel prosthetic foot.
Shock Pylon: A prosthetic pylon that dampens the vertical forces exerted onthe residual limb.
Shoulder Disarticulation (SD): Amputation through the shoulder joint.
Shrinker: A prosthetic reducer made of elastic material and designed to help control swelling of the residual limb (edema) and/or shrink it in preparation for a prosthetic fitting.
Single Axis Foot: This foot is based on an ankle hinge that provides dorsi flexionand plantar flexion. I.e. toe up & toe down.
Shock pylon: A shock absorber used to cushion the impact of walking.
Shuttlelock: A mechanism that locks a pin attached to the distal end of aliner locking the residual limb into a socket.
Skydiving: Something an amputee should try at least once.
Soft socket: A soft-liner built into a prosthetic socket to provide cushioning or permit muscle function.
Split hooks: Terminal devices with two hook-shaped fingers operated through the action of harness and cable systems.
Stance control: Friction device with an adjustable brake mechanism to addstability to a prosthetic knee unit.
Stump: A word commonly used to refer to the residual limb.
Suction socket: A socket designed to provide suspension by means of negativepressure vacuum in a socket; achieved by forcing air out of the socket througha one-way valve when donning and using the prosthesis.
Supracondylar Suspension: A method of holding on prosthesis by clamping on the bonyprominence above a joint, called “Condyles”
Suspension system(s): The method used to hold the prosthesis on to the body. Includeslocking pin, TES belt, suspension sleeve, waist belt, supercondular, PTB andsuction.
Swing phase: Prosthesis moving from full flexion to full extension. Usuallyused in reference to prosthetic knee units.
Switch control: Use of electric switches to control current from a battery tooperate an electric elbow, wrist rotator or terminal device
Symes amputation: An amputation through the ankle joint that retains the fatty heel pad portion and is intended to provide end weight bearing.
Temporary Prosthesis: A prosthesis made soon after an amputation as an inexpensive wayto help retrain a person to walk and balance while shrinking the residual limb.
TEC: Total Environmental Control liner
TES belt: A neoprene or Lycra suspension system for AK prostheses that hasa ring that the prosthesis slides into. There is a neoprene belt that attachesaround your waist by Velcro/hook and loop fastener. Is use to give addedsuspension of a prosthesis and/or control rotation.
Tibia: The larger of the two bones in your shin.
Traumatic amputation: An amputation that is the result of an injury.
Tuberosity: Projection of bone that muscles and tendons hang onto.
Ulna: Forearm bone, on the side away from your thumb.
Valgus: Knee bending inward toward the midline of the body.
Varus: Knee bending outward away from the midline of the body.
Wrist Disarticulation (WD): Amputation through the wrist.
Chopart: Partial foot amputation
Extremity: A limb of the body
Hip Disarticulation: Amputation of entire lower limb at hip level
Lower Extremity (LE): Relating to the leg
Partial Foot: Amputation through any part of the foot leaving the ankle intact
Proprioception: A sense of the location/orientation of one’s limb in space
Prosthesis/Prosthetic: An artificial replacement for a body part (plural: prostheses)
Prosthetist: One who fits and makes prostheses
Quadrilateral: Limb loss involving four limbs
Residual Limb: Description of remaining limb from joint to amputation site
Stump: A less commonly used word that describes the remaining limb
Socket: Part of the prosthesis that encapsulates the residual limb
Symes: Amputation through the ankle
Transpelvic: Amputation of entire lower limb, plus a portion of the pelvic bone; may also be referred to as a hemipelvectomy
Trilateral: Loss of three limbs
Upper Extremity (UE): Relating to the arm
Credentials representing certification by the American Board for Certification (ABC):
CO: Certified Orthotist
CPed: Certified Pedorthist
CPOA: Certified Prosthetic/Orthotic Assistant
COA: Certified Orthotic Assistant
CPA: Certified Prosthetic Assistant
CFm: Certified Mastectomy Fitter
CFo: Certified Orthotic Fitter
CFts: Certified Therapeutic Shoe Fitter
CTO: Certified Orthotic Technician
CTP: Certified Prosthetic Technician
CTPO: Certified Prosthetic/Orthotic Technician
Credentials representing certification by the Board for Certification/Accreditation (BOC):
BOCO, BOCP: Certified Prosthetist/Orthotist
BOCP: Certified Prosthetist
BOCO: Certified Orthotist
BOCPD: Certified Pedorthist
COF: Certified Orthotic Fitter
CMF: Certified Mastectomy Fitter